Safety is every Department of Transportation’s highest priority. Millions of people commute and travel on a daily basis, using different modes of transportation. Rail and Metro Stations, Highways, Tunnels and Airports are packed with people and cities and transit agencies have an increased responsibility of keeping these areas safe in critical emergency situations.
Fiplex Filters, Signal Boosters, and DAS systems are mission-critical to all types of venues in the transportation industry. Our high technology solutions provide first responders with the extra coverage needed to protect their lives and others’.
Airlines and Airports
Air travel is key to global transportation and supply chain logistics. Within the next 15 years, the number of air travelers will reach 7.2 billion, doubling current levels. With this type of growth, the aviation industry needs to prepare today for tomorrow’s new challenges.
Airlines need to have their employees constantly communicated to better assist passengers and manage their fleets. With most of the airlines having their communications’ systems in the same frequency bands as other airlines and the airport itself, interference is a common problem. Fiplex Active Crystal Filter for Aeronautical, VHF and UHF bands, provides a one of a kind solution for air-to-ground and ground communications systems in highly congested RF environments.
At the same time, Airports must be ready to respond to emergencies and protect travelers, employees, security personnel and first responders. Fiplex Public Safety Signal Boosters and DAS products improve in-building and external coverage areas maximizing RF communications at terminals, underground rooms, airfield, and hangers.
Metros must be fast but, above all, safe. Worldwide cities are becoming more urbanized and metro transportation is a priority for citizens’ mobility. At the end of 2017, there were metros in 178 cities in 56 countries, carrying on average a total of 168 million passengers a day. Across the country and around the world, smoke and fire are common hazards in subway systems and thousands of incidents are reported annually. While the majority of incidents are minor, first responders cannot take the risk and perform large scale evacuations of platforms and stations. In any kind of emergency, they need to be fast and efficient and communication between personnel both in the tunnels and outside the station is mission critical. Fiplex Public Safety Signal Boosters and DAS products improve underground coverage areas maximizing RF communications at stations and tunnels.